Oaks of Righteousness

Oaks of Righteousness
'...and they will be called Oaks of Righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.' - Isaiah 61:3

Saturday, February 19, 2011

See your life

Open your eyes and see
See your life
Not for what it is, but what its meant to be
A life of more than your hurts and tears
A life uncrippled by pain or fears
But rather a life fulfilled, a life forgiven
A life significant, to make a difference
Soften your heart and realise
Jesus Christ
His death on the cross bought your liberty

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

True beauty

As outer beauty fades with time
inner beauty will polish and shine
The beauty of the heart
true beauty that lasts.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Falling (part 1)

You don't fool me
You're not who you used to be
You've changed, you're different
In front of your friends you make everything seem alright
But in reality you're really dieing on the inside
You're choked of life and you're in despair
You're suffocating underneath that mask you wear
A happy face you paint so that no one has to know
Yet you wonder everyday
If anyone notices, if they ever care

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I stand

I stand before thee, in awe
I fall before thee, fall
For thou art great, O' Lord
O' Lord my God, my all

A Snapshot of Love

I stop to see
A snapshot of love as it passes me by
as it passes around me
Love, what a beautiful sight
I see it in their eyes
I see it in their smiles
Passion that burns within
Flames that consume thought and feeling
Hearts entwined together
as hands entangle each other
Time fades in shared moments
in precious memories
I stop and I ponder
Love, is it passing me by?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Save me (part 2)

A steep descent,
a slow destruction.
My heart withers
as the decay of sin surrounds me.
Life leaves me
as death comes to claim me
it spares no room for me
no place for the fallen,
for the undeserving.
Is it worth saving me?

Save me (part 1)

It sears,
the burn of rusted chains upon my wrist
binding me.
Captive to a fate that isn't mine
these iron bars that hold my soul,
contain me.
The stench of wretchedness that gloom the air,
it suffocates me.
Imprisoned at my own discord, by my own despair.
A narrow fall down a wide path.
Save me.

- Inspired by the song Savin' Me by Nickelback


Rest, it eludes me.
eyes closed, eyes open,
I see nothing

Nothing but a shadow,
hazy streaks upon the stony ceiling
as time passes, inching slowly,
my heart begins to stumble,

then a Fall.
doubts dragging me down below
sinister thoughts, lurking,
awaiting in the depths
familiar faces absent from above
And the musty darkness envelops me
Squeezing. Seizing my lungs.
A gasp,
A breath,
A breeze.
A waif-like sliver of light
The scent of hope in a distant corner
there lies the moonlit window
a faint light reaching out its hand.

By YiLing and Duclet

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall astray

Look not at my failures and not at my strife
But give me hope and watch me change my life
Believe in me and believe in what I do
Believe that I am more than just a dropout, more than just a fool
Please, don't look down on me and don't turn away
But stand beside me, stay with me even when I fall astray

Sunday, October 17, 2010


The music beats and the dj roars
A crowd unrestrained as they flood into the dance floors
See her enter the club on this drunken Saturday night
I look at her, gazed as she dances away her life
She moves and flows as her body rolls
Beneath the neon lights it glows and captures my eyes
As she grinds up and down and caress my thighs
Her beauty streaks and makes my heart beats faster
Her warm embrace captivates me, a captive stranger
Yet amidst the excitement and drowning pleasure
I wonder why and how she yields to such burning desires
I wonder why am I playing with such tempting fires
For it doesn't last as soon the music dies
And our emotions flare as the night runs dry
Reality settles as we realise still
That we're more emptied of ourselves than the experience could ever fill.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Sometimes three words are enough...

Dieing on the inside

Carriages trail and move along the iron track
And freights of people grind the mundane day and back
Yet I sit among them and follow their routine
I sit beside them, one among a crowd unseen
And began to ponder the meaning of it all
To what purpose are they doing this for?
The work they labor seems such a heavy price
To earn a perishable sum yet forfeit a purpose driven life
Day by day they fight the boring fight
And live out their lives while dieing on the inside...